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And Other Reasons Teachers Do What They Do
Interview Portraits by Ira D. Shull
ISBN: 978-1-889242-03-3 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-03-9, $23.95, hardcover
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Who are these people
in charge of our children?

Any stereotypes readers might have about teachers will go right out the window as these personal anecdotes reveal why teachers teach, what they get from it, and what their students bring to and take from the experience. Ira Shull presents a series of interview portraits (at least one teacher from each state) in which the teachers’ voices and stories provide unexpected insights and heartwarming anecdotes.
According to the author, the book is not a story first, it’s people first. “By listening to the voices of those who would teach us, we come to understand not only what learning means but what living means. For it is through our teachers that we begin to discover who we are as human beings, and what we want to be as a society.”

“I did not just read the book, I studied it.… It reveals more about what makes a good teacher than I have ever before seen presented.… Never has a book appealed to me more.”—Robert Plympton, Parent, Grandparent

“Every teacher in the country should have this book. It gives you a lift and reminds you why you got into teaching in the first place.”—Ruth Ann Hayward, Grade 4 Teacher

“An important work. For those considering teaching as a profession, being able to sense the passion, enthusiasm, and commitment of those engaged in it will be critically important. This is a real contribution.”—Eric Oddleifson, Chairman of the Center for Arts in the Basic Curriculum

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