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The Plight of Our Elders in American Nursing Homes
by Cynthia Loucks
ISBN: 978-1-889242-13-2 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-13-6, $21.95, hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-889242-12-5 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-12-8, $14.95, paperback

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But This Is My Mother! is a compelling personal story that alerts you to the many problems to watch out for if you have a loved one in a nursing home. Learn the avenues for advice and help that are available. The author's mother spent the last years of her life as a total care resident in an average-rated nursing home. She was not beaten, neglected, or otherwise abused, not in the sense that would cause headlines to erupt, and yet the indignities and careless behaviors documented here are bone-chilling. Throughout, the author emphasizes the importance of restoring people's humanity to the equation of products and services that define the nursing home industry. "It isn't the number of beds in a facility that matters so much as the people who are in those beds."

"Readers should take note of this informative, poignant book."Publishers Weekly

"An honest picture of life in a nursing home combined with much useful information for residents' families."Library Journal

"This story is the reason we must work together to bring about change and reform in the nursing home industry."—Sarah Greene Burger, Executive Director, National Citizens' Coalition for Nursing Home Reform

Winner of TWO Book of the Year Awards:
Consumer Health and Public Interest.
(American Journal of Nursing)

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