Are Your Parents
Driving You Crazy? Getting to Yes with Competent Aging Parents, Second Edition by Joseph A.
Ilardo, PhD, LCSW, and Carole R. Rothman, PhD. (ISBN: 978-1-889242-18-7 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-18-7, $16.95, paperback) Mother or father still driving? refusing in-home help? involved in a questionable romance? Practical self-help guide provides step-by-step approach to resolving such dilemmas. Chapters also include communicating effectively, breaking impasses, and taking care of yourself in the process. Award-winning first edition expanded to include information about avoiding common errors, forming a caring partnership with aging parents, and deciding whether assisted living facilities are right for your situation.
As Parents
Age: A Psychological and Practical Guide
by Joseph A. Ilardo, PhD, LCSW (ISBN: 978-1-889242-04-0 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-04-7,
$29.95, hardcover; ISBN: 978-1-889242-05-7 / ISBN: 1-889242-05-5, $14.95,
paperback) Practical and compassionate advice on how to talk with aging
parents about the future, and to be prepared for what may lie ahead. Self-Help
Book of the Year (ForeWord
Breakaway Laughter:
How to Lighten Up—Despite It All
by Nan L. Crockett (ISBN: 978-1-889242-22-4 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-22-5,
$12.95, paperback original) Feeling a little stressed? It’s never too
late to lighten up! The trick is to know how. Here is a funny book with
serious benefits. Stress-management expert Nan Crockett demonstrates the
work she has done on her own hot buttons, learning to set boundaries,
to recognize faulty reasoning, and much more. Written in a casual, irreverent
style, this book will leave you laughing and thinking.
Bring Me the
Ocean: Nature as Teacher, Messenger, and Intermediary
by Rebecca A. Reynolds (ISBN: 978-0-9641089-2-9
/ ISBN-10: 0-9641089-2-5, $21.95, hardcover) Inspirational true stories
about the emotionally and spiritually healing gifts of nature. Multi-award
winning, and the only book on the program Animals As Intermediaries.
read by the author:
Bring Me the Ocean: The Natural World as Healer
(ISBN: 978-1-889242-01-9 / ISBN-10:1-889242-01-2,
$18.95, 2 cassettes)
But This Is
My Mother! The Plight of Our Elders in American Nursing Homes
by Cynthia Loucks (ISBN: 978-1-889242-13-2
/ ISBN-10: 1-889242-13-6, $21.95, hardcover; ISBN: 978-1-889242-12-5 /
ISBN-10: 1-889242-12-8, $14.95, paperback) A compelling personal story
filled with sound advice for anyone with a loved one in a nursing home.
Foreword by National Citizens' Coalition for Nursing Home Reform. Winner
of two Book of the Year Awards (Consumer Health and Public Interest)
from the American Journal of Nursing.
Final Conversations:
Helping the Living and the Dying Talk to Each Other
by Maureen P. Keeley, PhD and Julie M.
Yingling, PhD (ISBN: 978-1-889242-30-9 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-30-6, $24.95,
hardcover) This book speaks to people of all ages who find themselves
having to say goodbye to loved ones over the course of minutes, days,
or many months. Direct quotations from people who have engaged in final
conversations merge with advice about what may work for the reader.
For the Love
of Teaching: And Other Reasons Teachers Do What They Do
Interview Portraits by Ira D. Shull (ISBN:
978-1-889242-03-3 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-03-9, $23.95, hardcover) Who are
these people in charge of our kids every day, and why do they do it? Teachers
from many different educational settings talk about their choices.
Front of the
Class: How Tourette Syndrome Made Me the Teacher I Never Had
by Brad Cohen with Lisa Wysocky (ISBN:
978-1-889242-24-8 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-24-1, $22.95, hardcover) As a child
with Tourette syndrome, Brad Cohen was ridiculed, beaten, mocked, and
shunned. Even today he is ejected from movie theaters and restaurants.
Has it stopped him? Not on your life. This story of unwavering determination
proves anyone can make their dreams come true. Book concludes with 23
motivational tips on living with a disability.
Glory Walk: A Memoir
by Cathryn E. Smith (ISBN: 978-1-889242-17-X / ISBN-10: 1-889242-17-9,
$22.95, hardcover) This creative memoir celebrates the family love and
human spirit that triumph in the face of Alzheimer’s disease.
Hidden in Plain
Sight: Getting to the Bottom of Puzzling Emotions by
Barry Grosskopf, M.D. (ISBN: 978-1-889242-29-3 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-29-2,
$16.95, trade paperback) Become the conscious author of your own healing
story by knowing your forebears’ pain.
How to Enjoy
Your Retirement: Activities from A to Z —Third Edition
by Tricia Wagner and Barbara Day (ISBN:
978-1-889242-28-6 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-28-4, $16.95, paperback) A great
gift for people in their fifties, sixties, and seventies. All-in-one collection
of more than 1,000 fun, inspiring ideas for making retirement happy and
How to
Feel GOOD As You Age: A Voice of Experience
by John Barnett (ISBN: 978-1-889242-07-1 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-07-1, $24.95,
hardcover; ISBN: 978-1-889242-08-8 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-08-X, $12.95, paperback)
A cancer survivor and a lay minister, an ombudsman and a bereavement worker,
John Barnett fills this book with sensitive advice on the legal, physical,
and spiritual aspects of aging. Learn how to lengthen your living years
and shorten your dying years.
Husbands and
Wives All These Years: From Caring to Caretaking
by Lillian S. Hawthorne (ISBN: 978-1-889242-23-1 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-23-3,
$12.00, paperback) Along with the author’s descriptions of patterns that
emerge from studying couples in long-term marriages, the book includes
brief interviews with over 20 couples and results in a heartfelt look
at the realities of aging in long-term marriages.
If Kallimos
Had a Chef: Natural Recipes for a Natural World
by Debra Stark (ISBN: 978-1-889242-15-6 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-15-2, $14.95,
paperback) Over 200 recipes for people who like to eat all the
food groups but want only natural ingredients.
In the Arms
of Elders: A Parable of Wise Leadership and Community Building
by William H. Thomas, M.D. (ISBN: 978-1-889242-10-1
/ ISBN-10: 1-889242-10-1, $14.95, paperback) The healing power of community
comes through in this adventure story about a place where the wisdom of
the elders has made a life worth living for all (parable formerly called
“Learning from Hannah”). Book ends with information on the real-world
acceptance of the Eden Alternative and the Green House models for improving
life for the elderly.
from Hannah: Secrets for a Life Worth Living
by William H. Thomas, M.D. (ISBN: 978-1-889242-09-5 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-09-8,
$21.95, hardcover) An adventure story about a place where the wisdom of
the elders has made a life worth living for all. IPPY (Independent Publisher)
Award Finalist in visionary fiction.
Worth Living: How Someone You Love Can Still Enjoy Life in a Nursing HomeThe
Eden Alternative in Action by
William H. Thomas, M.D. (ISBN: 978-0-9641089-6-7 / ISBN-10: 0-9641089-6-8,
$17.95, paperback) The only book on the Eden Alternative approach to improving
life for our elderly. Specific guidelines for fighting loneliness, helplessness,
and boredom in nursing homes. A Book of the Year in Gerontological Nursing
(American Journal of Nursing).
with Husband: Superwoman’s New Challenge by
Mary Louise Floyd (ISBN: 978-1-889242-26-2 / ISBN: 1-889242-26-8, $24.95,
hardcover) Witty, optimistic blueprint for boomer superwomen to succeed
with hubby in second adulthood.
Rosie's Place:
Offering Women Shelter and Hope
by Andrea Cleghorn (ISBN: 978-0-9641089-9-8 / ISBN-10: 0-9641089-9-2,
$23.95, hardcover)The inspiring stories of courage, survival, and compassion
behind the success of this prototype shelter for women in the United States.
The Sacred Rules
of Management: How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Work
by Stanley E. Smith (ISBN: 978-0-9641089-7-4
/ ISBN-10: 0-9641089-7-6, $17.95, hardcover) The 110 time-tested basics
that lead to a balanced life but that companies forget to teach alongside
their job-specific rules.
Sisters and
Brothers All These Years: Taking Another Look at the Longest Relationship
in Your Life by Lillian
S. Hawthorne (ISBN: 978-1-889242-19-4 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-19-5, $9.95,
paperback) A heartfelt look at the dynamics of lifelong sibling relationships
with a special focus on their meaning in later years.
Not Right: One Family's Struggle with Learning Disabilities
by Nancy Lelewer (ISBN: 978-0-9641089-05 / ISBN-10: 0-9641089-0-9, $21.95, hardcover; ISBN: 978-0-9641089-1-2 /
ISBN-10: 0-9641089-1-7, $14.95, paperback) Fast-paced, compelling true
story of a dyslexic mother's determination to get her own learning-disabled
children a good education. Learn some of the warning signs and where to
go for help. Parents' Choice Approval.
The Truth About
You: Things You Don’t Know You Know
by Mary M. Bauer (ISBN: 978-1-889242-27-9 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-27-6, $19.95,
hardcover) Spiritually uplifting book busts over 50 myths that keep us
from finding success and happiness through each choice we make.
What Kids REALLY Want to Ask: Using Movies to Start Meaningful Conversations—A Guidebook for Parents and Children Ages 10 – 14
by Rhonda A. Richardson, PhD and A. Margaret Pevec, MA (ISBN-13: 978-1-889242-31-6, $12.95, trade paperback) Kids’ own questions lead to the talking points in this guidebook, which suggests age-appropriate movies and additional activities to help parents and kids have meaningful conversations.
What Are Old
People For? How Elders Will Save the World by
William H. Thomas, M.D. (ISBN: 978-1-889242-20-X / ISBN-10: 1-889242-20-9,
$24.95, hardcover; ISBN: 978-1-889242-32-3 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-32-2, $16.95,
paperback) Written by a specialist in aging, this book draws upon popular
culture, history, science, and literature to create a strong vision for
a future in which old age becomes a healing force in our society. Dr.
Thomas shows us how we can abolish today’s version of nursing homes and
develop the capacity for peacemaking and wisdom giving that grows within
older people. Green Houses, communities where older people live together
intentionally, bring meaning and worth to the last half of life.
Widow Words: 100 Simple Pieces of Advice from Another Widow
by Marcia A. Curran (ISBN: 978-1-889242-33-0 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-33-0, $15.95, hardcover) Simple, practical, and empathetic advice for new widows, written by a widow based on notes she made while grieving the loss of her own husband. One idea per page—undemanding and bittersweet.
A Year of Sundays:
Taking the Plunge (and Our Cat) to Explore Europe
by Edward D. Webster (ISBN: 978-1-889242-21-7
/ ISBN-10: 1-889242-21-7, $24.95, hardcover) A people-pleasing travel
memoir in which the author and his blind wife take a year’s sabbatical
with their 16-year-old cat to do the grand tour of Europe. Kitty lit,
a love story, a culinary tour, and more!
You’re Only
Young Twice: 10 Do-Overs to Reawaken Your Spirit
by Ronda Beaman, EdD (ISBN: 978-1-889242-25-5
/ ISBN-10: 1-889242-25-X, $14.95, paperback). A wonder-filled ride to
reawaken youthful traits of resilience, optimism, wonder, curiosity, joy,
humor, music, work, play, learning. Across all, love.